God Shift

God Shift

Hello Hello Hello and Praise the Lord!

How are you today? Better yet…
Who are you?

Since December of 2021, I have been reflecting on what I’ve done the past few years only because the Holy Spirit asked me, “Who are you?” I am not embarrassed to say; I had to think about it.

I responded by saying, “Lord, show and tell me so I can be who you say I am.” I knew instantly that the Lord was bringing me to a new level of purpose, and it wasn’t for me to answer based upon what I do or the title I hold but to seek Him because they don’t define me and aren’t the essence of who “I am.”

As I continued on this journey, what I was content with years prior no longer felt fulfilling, not because I was never supposed to do those things but because new purpose given by God has to first be revealed and then accepted. You have to be made aware and divinely shifted into what He says is next.

This is what I call a “God Shift” because it doesn’t happen independently. It’s not an elevation for another title; it isn’t a shift for a great idea to help you obtain an opportunity or external things. It is a revelation of your identity and purpose, which requires transition and transformation.

You will never get here if you feel you have arrived, that this place is for babes or ones without a title. Anyone or thing that ceases from growing is dead. Without this revelation, you continue in old patterns and accept labels you’ve been given and limit their function. You will operate at a low capacity and have low expectations when it comes to the works God has anointed you for.

Who are you?

When the Lord asked me this, and I told Him to tell me, my spiritual appetite and desires were changed once again. It was a similar experience to when the Lord spoke to me and said I wasn’t someone’s girlfriend but someone’s wife, only this time, I am in Christ.

Your desires determine your interests; they guide your decisions and influence your focus. When God shifts your purpose, your mind, focus, and desire shifts with it.

The things I’ve done and accomplished were indeed a blessing, but today, the kingdom work I desire to do is different, and it will take God’s help, but I am confident that all I have seen and heard will be done because this desire was given to me in the shift!

It’s one thing to “come up” with a plan or want to do something, but it’s another thing to be given a strategy or vision by God; it’s fail-proof.

You are not chasing a dream but living out the word and will of God.

You won’t shift if you haven’t received a revelation that there’s more. Some are experiencing discontentment and feelings of discouragement. Some think it’s because they have no success in an area but could it be that God wants you to “surrender” to a greater plan and purpose?

God Shifts have always been through an encounter with Him directly or through a divine meeting with someone else who’s heard from God. We see this in the Scriptures.

Samuel heard the Lord call him, and when he answered, “Speak Lord for thy servant heareth,” his life was changed, and his true ministry began. Jeremiah heard the voice of the Lord, and from then, his life was changed. Gideon had an angelic visitation, as did Mary and Joseph. Jesus called the disciples as they were going about in life, doing what they had obtained skill in only to discover a greater and more fulfilling commission.

All had divine encounters, and the Lord has not stopped visiting His people and making them aware of a greater plan for their lives.

Do you know that your life has greater meaning? Are you like David or Elisha, who were going about their day, living without a revelation of what God was going to do through their lives until their divine meeting? I feel led to prophesy to some that in the coming days, new purpose will be revealed. A lack of faith in God causes doubt. Trust God, or else the fouls of the air can pluck up the word. Your faith will cancel out disbelief and doubt in those among you. His Holy Spirit helps us discern and confirm the word that was spoken.

God has called you to more than a successful career or marriage. Do you know that you are more than a mother, father, sister, brother, Pastor, Evangelist, Prophet, Minister, lawyer, author, or business owner? Is what you’re doing all you see? Is that how you define yourself?

Who Are You?

Is your pursuit of God only to upgrade your life? Do your prayers align with God’s purpose for your life?

I wasn’t praying for money or fame but to know the will of God; still, since last December, my prayers have changed. I’m praying to do work in the Kingdom I have never been led to pray for, not because I didn’t believe it was possible, I didn’t know I was to do them, so with this revelation, I received more faith, grace, boldness, and expectation concerning what has been revealed regardless of the state of the world, where I am, and what I see.


Revelation from God gives you the faith to pray above the limitations you may have that exist in the natural realm. You begin to pray in alignment with what God said and showed you. You pray on the level of God’s ability and not what’s realistic in the realm you’re in. Your expectation makes you nervous because of the magnitude of what you have seen and heard, but your faith provokes you to speak it! New desires for Kingdom work are birthed in your heart on a grander scale.

You go from believing God to feed and minister to hundreds to believing God to feed (naturally and spiritually) millions without second-guessing how it can be done. When the advancement of the Kingdom of God becomes a total desire, you no longer pray the same or pursue the same things. His tailor-made plan is birthed in your heart so that you will pursue those things He has willed for your life which are greater than money and opportunities.

You reach the highest level of freedom mentally and spiritually, knowing that your life, purpose, and achievements are ordained by God and are in His hand. God won’t leave your discovery of you up to man alone because they may not know, we see in part, or they may withhold the revelation.

When the Lord calls you, it’s like having someone turn your face in a new direction, but if your heart and mind aren’t there, you will stay stuck in a season you have been called from. I feel led to tell someone don’t be tempted to go back to what’s familiar. When you embrace your new season, and your mind has caught wind of what God said, when you discover there is more to you and God’s plan for your life, you will live the life God has given you in pursuit of Him to obtain it.

I celebrate what God is doing in the minds and hearts of believers globally. You are discovering who GOD said you are through His word and by divine revelation. The God Shift has taken place 🦋🔥🌍
