Get Your Oil🔥

Get Your Oil🔥

What God has for you is for you in the season He ordained it for you.

God said I have ordained seasons for my children individually and as a church.

He has a set time and many have not put oil in their lamps. Some would not hear wisdom or instruction. At this specific time, they will come for more oil, but you must be mindful of what the Lord is doing in your life.

Many will need to get their own oil during this set time I have ordained for you. One of the reasons is because you’re getting an oil change. 🔥

Some want your oil but not your cup. Some are coming for your oil but you’ve been obedient in going to God’s spiritual rest stop to be refilled.

You’re at the fountain ⛲️ and nothing can interrupt the flow and what I’m pouring into you.

What you give after I’m done will not be the same oil. It will be premium because there’s been another upgrade. This oil is for your individual God ordained purpose.

I’m sending you and many who have taken their spiritual prescriptions out in this hour with NEW testimonies, and NEW OIL, for GREATER WORKS than yesterday!

He said my people must learn to prioritize me not ministry. In doing that, ministry will be done His way.

Many have become burned out, stagnated and lack vision because they have neglegent in maintaining their personal time with me to get their oil changed.

If their life was likened to a car, just because the windows work they are fine. Just because the car starts they are good even with being low on oil. However, when the oil is low you can’t go far. When a car is out of oil, the engine blows. Without an engine, the car can’t fulfill its original purpose.

The Lord says strengthen that which remains in a place of intimacy with me.

The Lord wants to give you Fresh Manna.

Can last years bread sustain you this year? Is stale bread satisfying?

God wants many to draw closer to Him than they’ve EVER been.

Yesterday’s closeness is not today’s. Yesterday’s formulas aren’t going to work in this hour.

Different seasons requires different strategy.

Your closeness with the Lord will cause you to know something new about Him. You and others should see different fruit as a result of your time with Him.

Individually and collectively, the Lord will fulfill His promises so that His glory is revealed!

Understand, the time is coming where many in the world will turn to the true church. The boss men and women are coming to the KINGDOM MEN, and WOMEN because we have OIL! 🔥